[UFO Chicago] Oracle installer & Linux

Fawad Halim xsdamage@yahoo.com
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 07:00:14 -0700 (PDT)

  I'm trying to burn an Oracle 8.1.7 for Linux (the
current Oracle8i on technet.oracle.com) CD. I
downloaded the tarball, and made the iso (Rock
Ridge/Joliet) using mkisofs. I mounted the iso image
as loop, and the installer worked just fine. However,
once I burnt the CD, and tried to install from  it, I
get an error
fawad@chuckie:linux$ file runInstaller 
runInstaller: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,
version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not
fawad@chuckie:linux$ ls -l  
total 36
-r-xr-xr-x    1 fawad    fawad       35281 Jan 16 
2001 runInstaller
fawad@chuckie:linux$ file runInstaller 
runInstaller: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,
version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not
fawad@chuckie:linux$ ./runInstaller 
bash: ./runInstaller: Permission denied

It gives me the same error even when run under root. 


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