[UFO Chicago] Thursday Night is UFO Chicago Night At George's

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Mon, 5 Nov 2001 15:33:02 -0600

| T H U R S D A Y   | 
| N I G H T         |
| I S               |'|--------.
| U F O             |:|         |
| C H I C A G O     |.|----.    |
| N I G H T         |       |   |:-}
| A T               |       |   |
| G E O R G E ' S   |       |   |
'----.        .-----'      :::::::
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     |        |             {{{{{ 
| Be there, or be squared. I got some books from      |  
| O'Reilly to go into the official UFO library that   |
| I'll bring, as well as another T-shirt. The first   |
| t-shirt has already been won by Mr. Shank, but the  | 
| new t-shirt will go to whoever the first newcomer   |
| to show up to the meetings is.                      |
| And if you get our free t-shirt, you better come    | ======
| back! Or else!                                      |   :: 
|                                                     |'|----+
| Seriously though, our meeting is from 8:00 to       |:|    |
| 12:00 (more like 11:30 when they kick us out). See  |.|----+
| you there for food and free software chat, as well  |
| as a debreifing from last week's whirlwind dinner   |
| with Richard M. Stallman at Cafe Whatchamahoozit.   |

I kind of went nuts with the ASCII art this week.
