[UFO Chicago] Help Dmitry

Lukas Eklund leklund@flynn.zork.net
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:49:50 -0500

Quoting Nate Riffe:
> Does anybody have any suggestions on where to hold the protest?  Does
> anyone know what permission we might need from the city?

Well the FBI office in CHicago is at the Dirksen Building:

FBI Chicago Headquarters

Everett McKinley Dirksen Federal Building
219 South Dearborn Street
Suite 905
Chicago, IL 60604

This building also houses the federal courthouse and directly across the
street is big plaza. The post office is also across the street so it's a
high traffic area. The plaza has a big orange calder sculpture so it
might be a good place to meet. I'm still unsure wether or not I can make
it. The statue and the federal building in the background can be seen


If you wanted to walk, you could head up north along state or dearborn
or clark and head to the daley plaza(where they have the picasso) and do
some handing-out-of-flyers there as it is also a high traffic area.

lukas  | SELF-EVIDENT, adj.  Evident to one's self and to nobody else.
eklund |    -- Ambrose Bierce