[UFO Chicago] Nummy Email Addresses

Fawad Halim xsdamage@yahoo.com
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 09:06:46 -0700 (PDT)

I think http://www.devin.com/sugarplum is what you're
talking about. Speaking of spam poison, check out the
source code for www.linux.com. They take a different
approach in that they have a a /dev/null mailbox adds
email addresses of boxes that send email to it.


--- Nate Riffe <inkblot@geocities.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Users,
> Here's a PHP port of the nummy CGI that was breifly
> mentioned at the last
> meeting.  I looked around for a little while and I
> couldn't find the
> original CGI anywhere (I believe it was in Perl), so
> I wrote one.  Enjoy!
> - -Nate
> P.S.  To see it in action, go to
> http://www.movealong.org/nummy.php
> -
> Nate Riffe                 | PGP public key
> available at:
> http://movealong.dhs.org/  |
> http://movealong.dhs.org/~inkblot/pgp-key.asc
> inkblot@geocities.com      |
> nriffe@students.depaul.edu | Secure your email
> today!
> Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
> Charset: noconv
> Acxxh/Lsrz/DoMmXG5D6mkqY
> =+FYa
> > <?php
> srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
> $words_file = fopen("/usr/share/dict/words","r");
> $words_length = filesize("/usr/share/dict/words");
> $domain = (isset($HTTP_HOST) ? $HTTP_HOST :
> function random_word() {
>   global $words_file, $words_length;
>   $rand_offset = rand(0,$words_length -
> $words_length % 1024);
>   fseek($words_file, $rand_offset - $rand_offset %
> 1024, SEEK_SET);
>   $words = explode("\n", fread($words_file, 1024));
>   $rand_word = $words[rand(1, count($words) - 1)];
>   return trim($rand_word);
> }
> function random_email_address($domain_suffix) {
>   return random_word() . random_word() . "@" .
> random_word() . ".$domain_suffix";
> }
> function random_email_link($domain_suffix) {
>   $address = random_email_address($domain_suffix);
>   return "<a href=\"mailto:$address\">$address</a>";
> }
> function link_back($link_text) {
>   global $SCRIPT_NAME;
>   print "<a href=\"" . $SCRIPT_NAME . "/" .
> md5(date("[d/M/Y:H:i:s]") . rand()) . "\">" .
> $link_text . "</a>";
> }
> ?>
> <!DOCTYPE html
>           PUBLIC
>           "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
>           "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
> <head>
> <title>Nummy Email Addresses!</title>
> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> href="/stylesheets/default.css" />
> </head>
> <body>
> <?php if ($SERVER_NAME == "movealong.dhs.org") { ?>
> <p><a href="/"><img src="/images/movealong.png"
> alt="Move Along" /></a></p>
> <?php } ?>
> <p>Hi!  I see you're looking for some <?php
> link_back("nummy email addresses"); ?> to send
> preposterous proposals to.</p>
> <p>You've come to the right place!  Here are a
> hundred just waiting to be unscupulously slurped up
> by your dirty little email gathering program:</p>
> <?php
> print "<p>\n";
> for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
>   print "  " . random_email_link($domain) . "<br
> />\n";
> }
> print "</p>\n";
> ?>
> <p>Do you want <?php link_back("more"); ?>?</p>
> <p><?php link_back("Aren't"); ?> <?php
> link_back("bots"); ?> <?php link_back("stupid");
> ?>?</p>
> <p>Problems?  Email the webmaster at <?php print
> random_email_link($domain); ?>.</p>
> </body>
> </html>
> <?php fclose($words_file); ?>

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