[UFO Chicago] UFO Watch

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 09:58:00 -0500

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         UFO Report for Thursday, April 26, 2001.

By all accounts, this was a wildly successful 3rd meeting. We had four
attendees, which is a world record for UFO Chicago. Distinguished guests

	Peter and Jack, partners in crime!
	Chris -- Depaulian BSD user lured by my spam!
	and Ben -- wizardly sysadmin with a Unix Beard!

This is a 100% increase over last week!

Topics of discussion:

	* Jack Edward's Debian-on-a-zipdisk portable workstation system.
	* Peter's current project at work -- INTEGRATING TWO PROPRIETARY

	* CHris's travails through Linux distros to finally find his way
	  to BSD.
	* Potential future presentations and or possible installfests
	  hosted at North Park University.

	* The Trials and Tribulations of being a Telocity Subscriber.
	  (Ben's story is a hundred times worse than any I have heard
	  if you can believe it.)

	* Microsoft at the Actual Evils they perpetrated on the Kerberos
	  system. (And on LDAP at the same time, in a way.)

	* And much, much more!

I look forward to seeing you all (and more) again at the next meeting,
Thursday, May 10th, when I'll be telling the saga of my "upgrades" from
a respectable, well designed Linux box to a Frankenstein's Monster of
NICs and SCSI controllers. Jack and I will hopefully have more to say
about the portable workstation project too. Maybe we can even provide a
demo at the NPU labs.

Thanks again to everyone who came!



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