[sklyarov-chicago] Chicago's Protest a Success!
Peter A. Peterson II
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 18:03:29 -0500
Quoting sklyarov-chicago@lystra.org:
> What exactly are we doing? Is everyone just going to get together and
> write a letter (something we could do at home but I guess meeting will
> force everyone to do it)? I figured we'd throw out some ideas, jot
> them down in email with a few samples, send the result to the mailing
> list, then everyone would go their separate ways taking the ideas and
> composing their own letter.
Yeah. I mean, I think you're dead-on that it would be good to get
ideas written out on the list, but the idea of getting together is
exactly as you said it -- it forces people to do it, except that they
have a good time. I know that it's hard for me to stop my freight
train life* and write letters, but this kind of an event can motivate
people, help them have a good time, AND get letters written and
mailed. It seems like a win, win, win to me.
But there's nothing magical about making it an event, I mean, you
could just as well write letters at home. But there's no solidarity in
* My life may not be totally analogous to that of a freight train.