[sklyarov-chicago] Location for the 13th

Ben Brockert ben@mepotelco.net
Sat, 4 Aug 2001 02:33:14 -0500

From: "Peter A. Peterson II" <pedro@tastytronic.net>:
>Some people did, but there were reasons they chose the 13th. (Some
>people are still protesting on the 16th.) Regardless, Nate brought up a
>good point, and that is that the 13th is right around 4 weeks, which is
>just about as good as one month.

Oh ah. That makes me feel better.

There's a small chance of me getting a protest going in DM by the 16th-18th, but none for the 13th (I'll be trespassing in Minneapolis, so if there was one there I'd go to it).

I hope that there is no reason to protest by then, but this fiasco has all the indications of becoming a Mitnick-esque federal idiocy, so good luck on the 13th.

On banners, I found that those huge black permanent markers on a white bedsheet works quite well. I did one in the spring by doing layout in pencil, outlining with a thick black border, and filling in with a huge graphite stick that you find in art stores. Looked really nice, but failed miserably due to difficulties with wind and location.
