[sklyarov-chicago] [alphageek@mediaone.net: RE: [free-sklyarov] Chicago Protest Report]

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:52:59 -0500

Quoting Vitaly McLain:
> I was on Adams, near Clark, passing out fliers. A security guard came up and
> told me that I couldn't do that without a permit because it was federal
> property, but he said that it's OK on the actual street corner (Adams &
> Clark) because those are city property. (As a side note, the guy was really
> nice about it, so don't let "encounters with security" scare anyone from
> protesting.) Something to think about, I guess. As far as non-federal
> buildings, some have markings on the ground where their property ends. Most
> buildings, it seems, own some propety outside of the physical building: just
> look at signs that say "No smoking with 10 feet of this building."

I had the same experience. If we do the big demonstration in front of
the federal building, I'll try to get a federal property permit just so
they can't use it to shoo us off.

BUt he was very nice to me, too.

Also, if we do this, we'll want it to be REALLY BIG. Please do what you
can to bring at least one other person with you.


         FREE DMITRY SKLYAROV -- http://www.freesklyarov.org/ 
         In prison for exercising his right to "fair use."